Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Great Escape

it has been a fantastic two weeks of holiday.

we'd been planned it for quite a long time.

i can say it's been an adventurous one.

we drove around the city without any idea where's the direction is.

i only knew certain routes which i am quite familiar with.

so often we ended up lost or missed the junction.

but hell, we never learned if we didn't commit mistake aitee.

thanks to my darl's expertise in navigating the way, we were able to explored, i think 2/3 of the city.

she's better than Garmin GPS navigator...usually i freaked out if i lost the route, but her presence just gave me confidence. so many times i did daring moves on the road and at one time we nearly got hit. thank God.

okay..finally i had my revenge for bowling. she got me nailed down few months ago. so we're even now. Plus i got strike.

we went for countless of movies and i forgot the numbers.

it was the first time i went to watch the Twilight Series, or whatever u may call it..Breaking Dawn..i got lost right from the start of the movie. it was like "who's that guy?", "what is he?" or "what the hell is goin' on?".

and once again my darl had to do the explanation.

if there is ever a song that reminds me of this holiday, it would be this . repeat-peat-peat-peat-peat..

and we did some Christmas shopping was like everyday we went to the mall and spent hours after hours...tiring yet fun.

i owed my darl a lot. last weekend, we sent my sister Emily for her enrollment at Unisel Shah Alam. my daddy came along too. My darl helped us a lot especially in settling Emily's at her college. Me? i just lie down on my sister's bed and having a nap.....

one good thing about this holiday is i got to introduced my darl to my grandma and my uncle and aunt as well..she is very much welcomed by my family =)

and so the holiday came to an end. i wish i could spend more time with my darl, but i had to go back urgently because i have commitment with my job (so they said....)

anyway, it's has been a wonderful experience. it was something that we wanna do so bad and i'm super-glad we made it.

thank you darl for showing me around to places i never been before.

thank you for the popcorns.

thank you for the breakfast, dinner, lunch and supper.

thank you for everything.

I Love You. Merry Christmas

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Either this.......

UITM Kampus Puncak Perdana

.....or this......

...but I prefer the latter....

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Music Express.

At one time, you would find me listening to current hit songs and the next day i would switch to metal,rock and sometimes local indies.

But recent playlist?

Geez...sometimes listening to early and late 90's boy-bands is soothing anyway.


I was about to reload my airtime through CIMBClicks when suddenly i noticed my current balance is as of below :

Bring on November!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

...‎(˘⌣˘)ε˘ ).....

i could not ask for more. i would never trade my life for anything like this.

and you know i do...i really do...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dari Meja Guru #2

I had this conversation with one of my pupil, Robin during Mathematics class today. I tried to converse in English to see if Robin's English is good or otherwise. And it goes like this...

Me: Good morning Robin. (shaking his hand)
Robin: errr....moning ticher...

*Suddenly his friend, James came up to me and told something.

James: Cikgu, tadi duit Robin hilang. Ada orang ambik Cikgu.
Me: Huh??? Who stole your money Robin?
Robin: James, cikgu tanya apa? Tak faham la...(baffle)
James: Cikgu tanya, berapa ringgit duit kau hilang.

Me: haihhhhhh.~ T_T

You both really made my day anyway =)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dari Meja Guru #1

nak tahu kenapa aku suka minggu peperiksaan?
sebab masuk kelas jaga budak exam...
tak payah buat PnP...

hebat bukan.................

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jangan Tidur Lagi

Dari tengah tadi hujan tak sudah2..nampak gaya sampai ke petang la macam ni. Aku dari tadi dah mula berkira2 nak tido aje petang nih.

Tiba2, mesin Morse Code aku berdering....

"Woi..petang ni ada badminton..jam 5.30pm.."

Aku bergegas meninggalkan ruang siber.....

Saturday, January 15, 2011


bangun pepagi seawal jam 6 suku bukanlah satu tugasan yang mudah. apatah lagi dengan musim hujan ni yang terok melanda dari Brisbane hingga ke pulau Borneo. aku bangun pepagi ni bukan atas komitmen kerja, tapi atas dasar seorang abang yg penyayang yg sanggup bangun pepagi dengan hati yg berat untuk menghantar adik ke sekolah.

dalam perjalanan ke sekolah, hujan masih lagi renyai2 dari semalam. perghhh...aku dah mula berkira2 hendak sambung tido selepas ini...dalam perjalanan itu jugak aku pasang radio siaran stesen Iban. apa lagu yang ke udara, aku tak payah citer. Korang pun tak paham jugak kan...

Tiba2 siaran beralih pula ke Khidmat Pesanan Komuniti Kememterian Kesihatan Malaysia. Juga dalam bahasa Iban....aku boleh agak dia punya isi seperti berikut :

"Kepada orang awam, anda ditegah sekeras2 nya untuk bermain banjir di musim tengkujuh ini kerana penyakit bawaan tikus seperti kencing tikus boleh menular. Tikus ni bukan takat kencing merata2, malah mampu mengencing manusia."

Aku hanya mendengar dalam keadaan separa sedar.....

Tahun baru dimulakan dengan penambahan populasi kucing secara terkawal..

.....sebab itu aku suka bela kucing.......

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Scene Sekolah

kalau sebelum ni entri aku tayang gambar aku masa zaman Politeknik, skarang korang tatap plak gambar aku masa sekolah menengah.

nah..ambik ko.....

dari kiri : Rudy, Alex dan sorang lagi aku dah lupa nama beliau...

korang kata aku kat Poli kurus bukan? ini lagi celaka....

- Ehsan febuk Peggy

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Bukan Untuk Tatapan Umum.

Sedang aku tengah syok layan fesbuk, tiba2 member Poli aku dulu tagged aku kat beberapa gambar.
Dengan perasaan penuh curiga, aku belek gambar satu persatu......
